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Rosey Rivits RRC-21421
Glitter & metallic cork in a rose gold color

Natural Drama NDC-21721
Natural cork with glossy black background

Salty Pepper SPC-25121
Cork flakes in black and white with a dash of shimmer

Pewter Please PPC-24821
Pewter and gold lux

Copper Rose CRC-21921
Cork in a rose gold color with copper peeking though the back

Naturally Gold NGC-22021
Natural Cork with gold background

Pewter Sand PSC-21621
Looking like the black sand beaches of Hawaii Pewter and Mica make this paper shine

Rose Sand RSC-21321
If there was a rose gold beach somewhere the sand would look like this beautiful paper

Silver Vice SVC-24521
Combining a silver background with Salty Pepper cork in a rivited pattern

Golden Beach GBC-24421
golden flakes of cork with mica flakes to add shimmer

Champagne Sand CSC-

Rose Sand RSC-25821
Rose cork flakes with bits of mica for added sparkle

Port Sunrise PSC-22121
Port wine color with gold background

Surf Glow SGC-25621
Frosting the natural cork in a seafoam green. Gold glimmers from under the cork giving this paper a lovely glow

Silverton SC-28521
Silver peeking though the natural color of cork

Frosted Rose FRC-24821
Frosted white cork with glimmers of rose gold showing through

Silver & Gold SGC-23221
Frosted Cork with silver and gold background

Frosted Copper FCC-26421
Frosted cork with copper background

Frosted Glow FGC-25621
Frosting the natural cork in a soft white. Gold glimmers from under the cork giving this paper a lovely glow

Frosted Crysler FCC-23721
Crisp Silver like that of the Crysler building in NY. Wrapped in a frosted cork giving a cool glam look
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